Instant Pot Recipes
This is seriously the best Instant Pot Chili! It’s hearty, flavorful and so easy to make. Love homemade chili? Try one of these delicious...
Slow Cooker
Slow Cooker Beef Stew, with tender pieces of beef, carrots and potatoes in a rich broth, is the best comfort food. This beef stew...
Dinner Ideas
This Baked Rigatoni has pasta, ground beef and marinara sauce topped with melty cheese and baked until hot and bubbly. The whole family will...
Soup Recipes
This Cream of Mushroom Soup is ultra creamy, perfectly seasoned, and full of fresh mushroom flavor. It’s quick and easy to make using simple,...
Dinner Ideas
These Swedish Meatballs are tender, lightly spiced meatballs in a creamy gravy. Serve the meatballs and sauce over mashed potatoes or noodles for a...
Slow Cooker
This Tuscan Slow Cooker Chicken Thighs recipe is an easy crock pot meal with tender chicken, sun-dried tomatoes and spinach in a creamy sauce....