Slow Cooker
Crockpot Chicken and Potatoes is a delicious crock pot meal made with juicy chicken thighs, potatoes and carrots in a flavorful gravy. This is...
Instant Pot Recipes
The Instant Pot Burn Message – What it means, and how to prevent getting a burn warning when you use your Instant Pot. Plus...
How To
Roasted Red Peppers are easy to make with just a few minutes of active time. Use your roasted peppers in your favorite recipes, or...
Soup Recipes
This Roasted Butternut Squash Soup is creamy, flavorful, and so easy to make! You’re going to love this healthy soup recipe, made with roasted...
This graham cracker recipe is easy to make with just a few simple ingredients. These homemade graham crackers taste so much better than store...
Dinner Ideas
This One Pot Baked Ziti is a faster, easier way to make classic baked ziti. This pasta bake recipe is a family favorite for...