Breakfast Recipes
This Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal is a healthy and delicious way to eat your oats! It’s a great make-ahead breakfast and keeps well for a...
Dessert Recipes
This Slow Cooker Apple Crisp is cooked entirely in the crock pot! This easy dessert is bursting with juicy apples, brown sugar, and a...
Vegetarian Recipes
The creamy butternut filling for these butternut squash stuffed shells is lightened up with a secret ingredient. Plus, brown butter alfredo sauce! Need I...
Breakfast Recipes
Pumpkin season is here and you just have to try these Pumpkin Coffee Cake Muffins. They are a healthier muffin that’s full of pumpkin...
Side Dishes
Fresh Grilled Eggplant with ricotta cheese and balsamic drizzle. A healthy appetizer or delicious side dish that will make you want to eat your...
Filled with oats, almond butter, and fresh apple, these no-bake Apple Cinnamon Cookie Energy Bites are a healthy snack that’s perfect for all ages!...