Air Fryer
Deliciously crispy Air Fryer Onion Rings are a favorite game day snack, appetizer or side dish. Forget the deep fryer, making onion rings in...
Slow Cooker
Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff is easy to make with beef, mushrooms and onion in a rich and creamy sauce. Serve it over egg noodles...
Breakfast Recipes
These easy Egg Muffins are a delicious, filling and healthy breakfast. Bake and enjoy them right away, or store them in the fridge or...
Instant Pot Recipes
Instant Pot Carnitas are irresistibly tender and juicy with the best crispy edges! This easy recipe makes delicious Mexican shredded pork for serving in...
Side Dishes
Perfect Sautéed Broccoli! Learn how to cook broccoli in a skillet for an easy, delicious and healthy side dish. Broccoli is one of my...
Air Fryer
This Air Fryer Sweet Potato recipe makes the most perfect baked sweet potatoes! Enjoy them as a healthy side dish or load them up...