Dinner Ideas
Instant Pot Meatballs are a quick and easy dinner idea. Tender beef meatballs cook in marinara sauce in the Instant Pot, perfect for serving...
Side Dishes
Sweet Potato Casserole is a classic Thanksgiving side dish. With warm spices, creamy sweet potatoes and a crunchy brown sugar pecan topping, this easy...
Dinner Ideas
Let’s bring cozy fall flavors to our favorite comfort food with this Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese. This healthier mac and cheese is extra...
Instant Pot Recipes
Cooking butternut squash in the Instant Pot is quick and easy! Instant Pot Butternut Squash is perfect for serving as a side dish or...
How To
This Roasted Garlic recipe is a simple method for how to roast garlic in the oven. I’m also sharing ideas for how to use...
Dessert Recipes
These Candied Pecans are tossed in a cinnamon sugar coating and then baked until golden brown and crunchy. They are the best snack, salad...