A healthier whole-wheat muffin recipe, these Dark Chocolate Muffins are bursting with chocolate chips and topped with crunchy almonds. I have a serious thing...
Breakfast Recipes
This Apple Smoothie is a deliciously healthy way to start your day. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla make for a delicious apple pie smoothie flavor....
Our beautiful baby girl, Hannah Grace, was born earlier this week. She is a little love and we are soaking up every second of...
Breakfast Recipes
Chocolate raspberry cake donuts with a sweet raspberry glaze. These donuts are baked and perfect for Valentine’s Day or any day! Do you celebrate...
Bread Recipes
These whole wheat biscuits have the delicious tang of buttermilk and a mild, nutty whole wheat flavor without being heavy or dense. They are...
Breakfast Recipes
Gingerbread Coffee makes your steaming cup of coffee extra special with a hint of warm gingerbread spices. Relax and enjoy a quiet moment to...