30 Minute Meals
Sweet and sour meatballs are a quick dinner recipe that you can make ahead and freeze. You will love the homemade 3 ingredient sweet...
Breakfast Recipes
One bite of these strawberry muffins and you will agree, these are the BEST! Make these naturally sweetened muffins with applesauce, banana or Greek...
Side Dishes
Delicious, healthy side dishes to go with any meal! Here you’ll find vegetables, pasta, salads, beans and potato side dishes for dinner or your...
Side Dishes
This red potato salad is my healthy version of the classic summer side dish! You can make this creamy red potato salad up to...
Breakfast Recipes
This peanut butter granola is made with just 4 ingredients, in only 10 minutes of prep time. It’s crisp and lightly sweetened, with just...
Dinner Ideas
Your family will love eating their vegetables with this Slow Cooker Turkey Lasagna! This healthier lasagna is made with ground turkey and lots of...