Dinner Ideas
This Honey Hoisin Marinated Pork Tenderloin is tender and juicy, with the most flavorful sauce. This pork tenderloin recipe is easy enough for a...
Instant Pot Recipes
An easy recipe for Instant Pot Vegetarian Lentil Chili. This healthy vegan chili recipe is made with black beans, quinoa, lentils and veggies. Just...
Slow Cooker
A healthy wild rice soup recipe made with butternut squash, kale and white beans. This Slow Cooker Wild Rice Soup is a vegetarian and...
Slow Cooker
This crockpot lasagna is possibly the easiest lasagna you will ever make. You don’t need to boil the lasagna noodles before layering the lasagna...
Dinner Ideas
If you’re looking for pork chop recipes that are moist and flavorful, you are going to love these juicy pan seared pork chops! These...
Dinner Ideas
One of my favorite vegetarian recipes, this Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili with Quinoa is a hearty vegetarian chili recipe that’s easy enough...