Breakfast Recipes
These Blender Green Smoothie Waffles are a fun way to get kids to eat their greens! The waffle batter is mixed up in a...
Slow Cooker
This Slow Cooker Baked Ziti is made with ground turkey and whole wheat pasta. The pasta cooks right in the slow cooker so it...
These Cheese Pizza Bites are a healthy lunch or snack for kids. Serve them with pizza sauce for dipping! This easy cheese pizza bites...
Dairy Free
This Hidden Veggie Pizza Sauce is packed with over 1 1/2 cups of sneaky vegetables! Use this kid-friendly vegetable pizza sauce to top your...
These Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bars are easy to make for homemade snacks. They are made with recognizable ingredients including honey, coconut oil and...
Slow Cooker
This Slow Cooker Potato Leek Soup with Cheddar is a comforting vegetarian meal. This soup is easy to make in your crock pot and...